Friday, July 1, 2011



Anticipation... Excitement... Frustration... Disappointment... Satisfaction...

These are all specific emotions that could come in an onslaught for any sneaker collector preparing for a big release - especially those "night-owl-friendly" MIDNIGHT RELEASES!!!  So depending on your personal stories, it is not out of the question for one person to experience any number of these feelings in waves all in one night - even within minutes of one another!!  And for an OG kick-a-holic, the spectrum of these good and bad emotions have come to be expected.  However, the main goal is to consistently find yourself on the "good" side of these emotions.

From waiting in line for less than 5 minutes, to waiting in line for more than 5 hours, each release has it's own story.  You may win some, you may lose some, but all-in-all you learn to just chalk it as apart of the sneaker-collecting-game.

Last night I went out to Velocity Sneaker Boutique just to be in the environment of the midnight release of Nike's Retro Electronic Blue Foamposite Pro aka "Sub-Zero" Foams.  As many of you know, I had been on the lookout for this shoe since January, even prior to the Pewter Foamposite release, but had to stay patient. 

Internally believing they were going to be the FRESH!est colorway of the Foamposite releases this year, I sought various ways to ensure I had my pair earrrly!!  Fortunately, I got my hands on an early set to contain my fix last week, but I still wanted to be courtside to catch the pre-jitters and post-game celebrations of other sneaker comrades last night!!

Some cats were like me - out on the scene just to be apart of the culture - and others were poker-faced while handling the internal gambut of these aformentioned emotions...

So "The FRESH!MEN" were definitely in the building, and in fact, upon my arrival, my homie Lex was already in the store assisting with security!!  Haha, when have you ever seen a security guard rockin some Jordan IVs?!  FRESH!

Stay tuned for some "on location" video footage to be added to this post this weekend... Joy!

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